Competition Requirements:

All S4C competitions consist of digital entries only. S4C conducts competitions within four Divisions: Pictorial, Nature, Photo Travel, and  Photojournalism.  Competitions are held monthly from October through April, inclusive (see Meetings & Schedules)


Within each  Division there are one or more Sections. A Competition is held within each Section, each with its own rules and requirements. See Definitions. Except for the Interclub Color Section of the Pictorial Division, all Section Competitions are entered by individuals


Each Section is headed by a Section Chair who is responsible for image intake and communication with entrants regarding eligibility of submissions and regarding results.


Each submission by an entrant into a single S4C Section Competition in a given month is termed an Entry. Each digital entry consists of up to 2 images that conform to the rules and requirements of the Section Competition. 


General Requirements below apply to all Divisions and Sections. Each Division/Section has specific requirements (see Definitions). Entries must conform to these Requirements and Definitions ; entries that do not conform may be disqualified by the Division Chair, the Competition Chair, or the Judges.


Entrants are assigned Skill Levels Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, and Masters A section does not necessarily support all 4 skill levels. Although judging in a competition occurs without regard to skill levels, Awards and Honorable Mentions are assigned separately to the higher scoring images within each skill level. Normally new entrants are assigned the Beginners Skill Level or their first year entering into a particular competition. The S4C Board decides in June of each year which entrant skill levels should be changed for the following competition year.


Catalogs of the monthly competitions are posted several days after each judging.


  • Click here to enter.



General Requirements

(apply to all Divisions/Sections)

Interclub Competition (discontinued)

  • About Interclub
  • Interclub Entries
  • Interclub Makeups

Division/Section Definitions

Each section of each Division has specific requirements that must be followed by entrants.


No longer used.


Images that do not conform to any of the above requirements are subject to being disqualified (DQed) from competition. If this occurs after the judging of that Competition, the term Revoke is used.


EOY Competition & High Points