Any image that does not meet the conditions of entry published on this website may be DQed (disqualified) by either the Section Chair prior to competition; by one or more judges during the judging; or by the Section or Competition Chair after the judging. For images submitted into competitions in advance of the submission deadline, Section Chairs will attempt, if time allows, to advise entrants of any potential problems so the entrant has time to make any corrections or to substitute images prior to the submission deadline.
All images Dqed by a single judges will be reviewed by all the judges so a consensus can be reached.
Images may be disqualified for any of the following reasons:
• The image does not meet requirements of the Section Competition or of general competition requirements;
• The image does not meet entry submission requirements;
• The image violates Image Re-Entry limitations, such as if it has already won an HM or an Award in the same Division.
The reason for a DQ will subsequently be communicated to the Entrant.
An image that is retroactively DQed by the Section or Competition Chair after the actual judging is termed a Revoked image. An image is normally only revoked because it is subsequently found to have violated the Re-Entry requirements.